
Over the years, inspirer Karen Blereau developed a great passion for craft lambic beers. Out of genuine interest, she visited many well-known and lesser-known breweries and has since made friends with some of the most fascinating lambic brewers and gueuze blenders in the country. It seemed almost a shame to keep that wonderful world to herself, so she set out to find a way to share her knowledge with others. Natural wines had already earned a place in the culinary world, but why was there no mention of old gueuze? Karen understood that her penchant for honest, seasonal cuisine coincides perfectly with the world of lambic beers. Both are made by passionate people and with enormous respect for nature. So she decided to put these elements at the centre of refined but, above all, no-nonsense foodpairing events. This is how 'Amuse-Gueuze' saw the light of day in 2013.

When organising Amuse-Gueuze Dinners, as much attention is paid to the choice of the chef and his cuisine as to the choice of lambic beers and gueuzes. These are selected in consultation with traditional lambic brewers and so-called 'gueuze blenders’. Because not only the flavour and origin of the beers are important. The people behind the product and their story are just as important.

Amuse-Gueuze offers a unique experience for foodies, culinary adventurers and all other enthusiasts. Of course, we also work to measure: intimate or large-scale, tasting or dinner, common or exceptional lambic beers, etc.. We would love to hear about your ideas and wishes, so that we can come up with a formula that suits you best.

Amuse Gueuze